Innovation in motion.
At Multiseñal, we dream with more accessible, inclusive, safe and sustainable cities, where residuals are transformed into products that solve urban issues. Our mission is to collaborate in the transformation of cities in habitable and adapted places to challenges of XXI Century.
Over 35 years in safety and road signage market, we’ve increased the experience that allow us to expand our abilities and fund Ciclopistas.
Ciclopistas is dedicated to the manufacture of infrastructure for bike ways.
Thanks to our commitment with quality and innovation, we’ve completed a number of bikeway projects not only in Mexico, but in countries as Germany, Costa Rica, Venezuela and more. Our strength lies in the quality and variety of our products that include traffic devices to delineate, channelize or confine lanes and sign bike ways and bike parking.
In accordance to the Global Plan for Traffic Safety is estimated that for 2030, the 70% of World Population live in urban environments. Due that, in Ciclopistas we develop innovative products that enhance bike path infrastructure, promoting a more efficient and sustainable urban mobility.

Our Commitment
Design and develop reversible solutions that allow an efficient and economic modification of the urban space.
Manufacture products in modular and ecological way, using recycled materials.
Minimizing the environmental impact.
A continuous upgrading and constant adaptation to changing needs of cities.
Nuestro Compromiso
Diseñar y desarrollar soluciones reversibles que permitan la modificación eficiente y económica del espacio urbano.
Fabricar productos de forma modular y ecológica, utilizando materiales reciclados.
Minimizando su impacto ambiental.
Mejorar continuamente y adaptarnos constantemente a las necesidades cambiantes de las ciudades.
Sustainable routes, guaranteed quality.
Devices designed for signage and safety of cyclists in urban roads.
Systems to segregate and direct traffic, ensuring a safe space for cyclists.
Specific signals that ease the orientation and safety of bike ways.
Safe and convenient solutions to park bikes.
Work Philosophy
We evaluate every global consultation to integrate products of the Ciclopistas family of Multiseñal, guaranteeing optimal and adapted solutions to your needs.

We are fully dedicated to carefully listen our customer’s needs according to their project.
Project Analysis
We examinate the project, evaluate the available space and consider the expectations of our customer to recommend our ciclopistas products that best suit their needs.
Technical Development
Our solutions are based on our experience, adapted and customized in accordance with local standards.
Financial Valuation
We prepare a precise quoting based on the detailed count of pieces for the project requested by the customer, ensuring a more affordable solution.
Purchasing and Distribution
We work together with the logistics department to manage the shipment of our products to any place in the world in accordance with customer needs.
We facilitate a detailed document to guide you in an efficient and safe installation in compliance with the highest standards of quality and safety.
Implementation Phase
We monitor the project to ensure a correct functioning and propose improvements if necessary.
Nuestra Filosofía de Trabajo
Evaluamos cada consulta global para integrar los productos de la familia Ciclopistas de Multiseñal, garantizando soluciones óptimas y adaptadas a sus necesidades.

Nos dedicamos a escuchar detenidamente las consultas del cliente con respecto al proyecto en cuestión.
Análisis del Proyecto
Examinamos el proyecto, evaluamos el espacio disponible y consideramos las expectativas del cliente para recomendarle nuestros productos de ciclopistas que mejor se adapten.
Desarrollo Técnico
Ofrecemos soluciones basadas en nuestra experiencia, adaptadas y personalizables según las normativas locales
Valoración Financiera
Preparamos una cotización precisa basada en el conteo detallado de piezas para el proyecto solicitado por el cliente, asegurando la opción más económica posible.
Adquisición y Distribución:
Trabajamos en conjunto con el departamento de logística para gestionar el envío de nuestros productos a cualquier parte del mundo según las necesidades del cliente
Facilitamos documentos guía detallados para asegurar una instalación eficiente y segura, cumpliendo con los más altos estándares de calidad y seguridad.
Fase de implementación
Monitoreamos de cerca el proyecto para asegurar su correcto funcionamiento y proponer mejoras en caso necesario.
No matter where you are, you can always receive our products
Urban Bike way solutions:
Affordable, ecological and advisory for the success of your projects.
Our solution proposals, configurations and customizations are designed to assist technicians from urban bodies in the strategical decision making when acquiring our products for bike paths, always ensuring the rigorous compliance of the current standard.
We are proud to offer an integral advisory approach to guarantee the success of your projects!

A Forward-Thinking Company:
Constant innovation and sustainability in every project
At Multiseñal and Ciclopistas, we are at the leading edge of innovation and road infrastructure, creating sustainable and efficient solutions to improve urban mobility.